Omnitech ZW7A

Changing the Video Mode

During playback, press MODE on the ZW7A remote control to toggle between Original and Optimal modes.  These modes determine how the pictures appear on screen.

Optimal Mode adjusts the picture to fit the ZW7A screen.  While this makes full use of the ZW7A screen, some of the picture's information will be altered, and the edges of the original picture may not be displayed.

Original Mode displays the picture in whatever dimensions the picture was saved as.  While this image is true to the original JPEG, the edges of the screen may go unused, creating black bars around the picture.

Note: If the customer wants to edit his pictures to better fit the screen, let them know that they can edit their photos to 480x234 pixels in a photo editing program.  The ZW7A does not edit photos.

The customer may also choose between Optimal and Original Modes in SETTINGS.

If the customer needs to rotate an image click here.


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